Monday 25 May 2009

There's only one instant, and it's right now. And it's eternity.

Today, the weather was beautiful again. Priorities: Enjoy Sunshine. Smiling.

It seems my fickle friend insomnia has returned, although I must admit that I feel much less angsty about this than I normally would, mostly due to the fact that I haven't a schedule of any sort to keep these days. And, despite the fact that I only slept 2.5 hours last night, I feel more attuned to myself, my creativity, my core of happiness, than I ordinarily do when I am fully rested.

I sang Frank Sinatra to myself as I strolled down the street. I smiled.

I wonder how deeply I ought to allow myself to retreat into my mind, my daydreams, my sunshine delusions.  I think I am happier here.  I may never sleep again. 

An invigorating MirĂ³ for an invigorated me---

Joan MirĂ³, Dancer, 1925

PS. Granola is f'kin delicious.

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